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1. Name of the night of the 24th December
2. This is a nice greentree. People have in their home or outside and like to decorate it.
3. Father Christmas
4. Something with small white berries that is put above the door.
6. These nice and glittering things that make the home look more attractive at Christmas.
8. points of light in the sky at night.
10. Santa Claus comes through it.
11. An animal which has a lot to do at Christmas.
12. A bush with leaves and red berries.
13. Its colour is white and it is very cold. When there is enough of it, you can go skiing.


1. the name of the 25th December
2. These children go from house to house around Christmas.
5. name of the 26th December.
7. Children hang them up on 24th December.
8. Something that slides over snow.
9. Children (and parents) like them very much at christmas, and give it to each other.