This / These - That / Those

Alakítsd át a mondatokat többes számúvá.
pl.: This is a book. - These are books.

Töltsd ki az üresen hagyott részeket, aztán klikkelj a "válasz ellenőrzése" gombra, hogy leellenőrizhesd a válaszaidat.
Használhatod a "Tipp" gombot is, ha elakadtál, de így pontokat veszíthetsz.
1. This apple is very delicious. -
2. That cat is black. -
3. This exercise is easy. -
4. That man is at home. -
5. This woman is in the shop. -
6. That student is tall. -
7. This lesson is not difficult. -
8. That computer is new. -
9. That building is near the beach. -
10. This pen is on the table. -