A do segédige használata

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a 'do' segédige megfelelő alakjaival.

Töltsd ki az üresen hagyott részeket, aztán klikkelj a "válasz ellenőrzése" gombra, hogy leellenőrizhesd a válaszaidat.
Használhatod a "Tipp" gombot is, ha elakadtál, de így pontokat veszíthetsz.
1. Can you lend me some sugar? I'm sorry I have any sugar left.
2. Last Monday Helen go to work because she felt sick.
3. you tell me that Tim is the husband of that woman! I saw Tim's father, he says it's wrong.
4. What time Hannah usually go to work?
5. you listen to the radio yesterday?
6. leave just now, it's 5 o'clock! DO have a cup of coffee.
7. you often go abroad in summer?
8. Robert! play with this knife, it's very dangerous.
9. They lost their carkeys, they?
10. This child like candies, which is very interesting.